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What do family and friends mean to her? It was the wedding that I noticed.

6 months after the wedding

What was the most memorable place on your wedding day?

Mr. KoheiI was most surprised that my father cried. My dad is a person who writes "Kan" and reads "man", but he also runs a company himself, supports his family all the time, is like a big black pillar, and does not show his weaknesses to people so much. Since I was a person, I had never seen a weak figure or a crying figure. The first time I showed it was my wedding. In the scene where we were two side by side and put on a jacket for me, when I saw my father crying there, I felt, "I was really loving and growing up."

How did you feel when you saw your father's tears?

Mr. KoheiI was impressed with it, but after all I thought I liked my family. The planner in charge made a suggestion during the meeting. I heard about my feelings for my father and her feelings for my sister, so you suggested it as an event that you can do with your family.

YoshikoActually, I also remember the place where his father cried the most. After all, it was the strongest that we were able to reaffirm that each other's family is important. I like my sister the most, but my sister has been crying since she picked me up when I was leaving. I was happy, I was happy, I was a friend, an older sister, and always an ally, so I felt like the feelings I had grown up with since I was little exploded. It was very impressive that she showed tears and walked over here. As the planner in charge pulled out at the meeting, my feelings for the family increased steadily, and when it came to the actual performance, I thought that the family was important and I liked it again.

Mr. Kohei We didn't really like each other's family and had a conversation saying, "Family is important, isn't it?" It's supposed to be a matter of course. But I thought that our story was full of family stories, so I realized. You didn't notice it alone.

What kind of change did you have during the meetings?

Mr. KoheiAs I often say, it was difficult to maintain tension. Preparing for the wedding is fun, but it's also difficult. We had decided to have a wedding one year later, but in the end it was postponed in Corona and the wedding was about two years old. Marriage wasn't the goal, and we both made plans after the wedding, but there were times when everything collapsed. I was wondering when this would end, but on the other hand I had to make it somewhere, so after deciding to do it on this day, I will regain my tension and prepare properly. I think I was able to do it.

Please tell us about the time when you were impressed during the meeting.

YoshikoI was asked by the planners one by one, "How are you feeling now?" And "Are you okay?" I think it's thanks to the planner. Even when I actually met him, he had a very good personality, and he brought out a lot, so it was best to be able to reconfirm that we were thinking about our family so much.
At first, I was thinking about having a wedding ceremony for the two of us, wanting to create such a fashionable atmosphere, decorations, dresses, and so on. But in the end, what we wanted to do was finally realize that we wanted to have a wedding with an atmosphere where family and friends would smile and look at us at home. That was good.

Mr. KoheiI talked about how difficult it was to maintain tension, but the planners were also concerned about it, and they followed it diligently. So I thought it would be safe if people who knew it would plan.

I heard that the most memorable part of the meeting was JUST FOR YOU.

Mr. KoheiMy dad isn't very good at telling that. But I did my best to write it. So I went home with my BOOK. "I wasn't really good at books like this?" Then my mother said, "I wrote it so badly" (laughs). It was still written, so I cherished it. Because my father is not good at speaking. I was happy because I didn't get that kind of thing.It was a BOOK that wrote a lot of things from my childhood, so we both felt that we were brought up with great care. There was a lot of information about her that I didn't know about her, and she wrote a lot of memories from her childhood, so the book was filled with the fact that she was a really important girl. I thought that I had to cherish the person who was brought up with such feelings because I would like my wife to do it.

YoshikoOn the contrary, my house exchanges letters, sings and celebrates with everyone on my birthday, and onMon. 's day, all my relatives get together to drink and eat delicious food. Since it was a messy family, the original one came out as a BOOK. It was nostalgic and I was happy. A message was written from my relatives' cousins in the BOOK, a lot of pictures of my childhood were posted, and a message from my mother was also written. While my mother wrote it, I thought she wrote it with the feeling that "Ah, this child is going to the bride."That's why I think you can only get it at this timing. There are things that we can't easily say in words, and things that we can write in sentences. I received it, so I thought I'd cherish it for the rest of my life.

What are your thoughts on having a wedding again?

YoshikoWe were only close friends, seniors, juniors, and relatives, so it was a space only for those who loved it. It's been a while since I met my friends who couldn't meet it, so it's fun, happy, and happy! It's been a lot of fun.

Mr. KoheiThe whole family was staying at the same hotel that day. Even at night, all my relatives gathered in the room and talked about various things. From the perspective of my parents, it's a shame to meet our friends, and I wouldn't meet them unless it was such an opportunity. That's why my parents told me, "All my friends greeted me. Tell me that old story ...". that's whyI think my parents were happy to see us, but he said, "I was happy to see our friends celebrating us."
I'm glad I had a wedding.I think our parents were happy in any way, but because of this corona sickness, we had the option of not calling our friends. However, when I heard the voice of my parents, I was glad to call my friends.

YoshikoOriginally I wanted to go with my mother and sister to match the dress, but sometimes I couldn't come in Corona because of the distance. I think it was the moment when parents of both families saw the wedding day in our dresses and black ties and felt that they were married. That's why I'm glad I was able to show that figure to my parents on the day of the wedding. Also, when it comes to the impression on the day of the ceremony, I was happy that the distance to the guests was very close. There are quite a lot of my friends who have a ceremony in the Plan, Do, See series, but when I'm invited, I can see my friend's sunny appearance nearby. It was the happiest point to go there. It's nice that my friends are close to me and there are no walls so everyone comes around. I also think that the distance to the planner is close. There are many people who ask me "Is it okay?" Like a sense of distance from friends, older sisters, and such people, and become kind to me. It was encouraging and reassuring to be on the side of coming with us until the final ceremony, understanding what kind of wedding we really want to have and what kind of feelings we have.

Mr. KoheiI think I'm really good at creating spaces. It's the same with the story of the current distance, but we said that we wanted to be at home, so I wondered if he made that distance. I think it made it easier for us to talk to our friends and for our friends to talk to us. And by the time of the wedding, I think we couldn't have imagined it unless we could convey the image of the wedding that Plan Do See can provide. However, they were also told in the meeting, so by the day of the meeting, I was able to make a perfect image, and they also produced a production that exceeded that. So I was relieved.

What was the reason for choosing this venue as an important wedding venue in the first place?

Mr. KoheiFirst of all, it was decided that it was Plan, Do, See. The only thing left was where to do it. From our point of view, the two met at the Plan Do See interview when hiring new graduates, and the interview venue was Soudoh Higashiyama Kyoto. The proposal was at Oriental Hotel Kobe, and where was the next ceremony? I wanted to conquer at that time. I actually went to see it and chose Fortune Garden Kyoto because I thought it would be more suitable for our atmosphere.

The wedding is about "Plan, Do, See!", But why was that?

Mr. KoheiFirst of all, the point that both of us love is that the space is very fashionable, but I really like the customer service of the people who serve customers. Even if I didn't notice it, he responded immediately, and he seemed to have a lot of fun working. The building is fashionable, the atmosphere is good, the food is delicious, and it's very satisfying. And that's the case at any store. That's why I thought it would be good to give a ceremony.

What kind of existence do you feel about Plan, Do, and See?

Mr. KoheiI think you are definitely involved at an important time. I think that proposal is a big event for a man, but that is also the case, and a wedding is a big event for a family.I am involved in every major event in my life.Plan Do See is a big presence among us. Even now, when I go out to eat a little, I want to go to Aoyama Grand Hotel to eat dessert, go to eat parfait on her birthday, and when I stay overnight, I want to go to Oriental Hotel Kobe. I decided to propose at Oriental Hotel Kobe. Originally, I stayed at Oriental Hotel Kobe all the time. Originally it was a long distance, so when I returned to Kansai, I often talked about wanting to stay in a good place, whether I was a student or a member of society in the first or second year. Both of us really liked Oriental Hotel Kobe. So I wanted to propose here.

What would be the difference if there were two people who had a wedding and two who did not?

Mr. KoheiI know my family and friends very well, but I think it's not enough to have the other person understand it just by having daily conversations.What I noticed at the wedding was what kind of family and friends she had. I wonder if the future will change if you are aware of it and are spending it now, or if you are not aware of it and are spending it now.

YoshikoSeparation. After all, I had a wedding ceremony and felt that I was married again, so if I hadn't had a wedding ceremony, my friends and best friends would have been stronger than my family. think. It feels like a wedding is being held and the atmosphere of a family is gradually emerging.

You've spent a lot of milestones in your life at Plan Do See, but what kind of things do you want to be involved in in the future?

Mr. KoheiI don't think Plan, Do, See will be satisfied as it is, but I think it's enough for us as it is. Even now, there are times when I'm going to stay at a good hotel in Tokyo. At that time, I always talk about wanting to stay at Aoyama Grand someday.

YoshikoEven if someone asks, "Is there a wedding venue, a hotel, or a delicious restaurant?", I always answer Plan Do See affiliated hotels and restaurants!