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Party report

A wedding at The Kawabun Nagoya

<NEW!!> Express your feelings with the Dozen Flower Ceremony
A tasteful wedding with carefully selected flowers

Reception venue: 4F TheGrace Room

Wedding style: Public ceremony Season: SUMMER

Number of attendees: 57 people

ーWedding party reportー

The two were originally classmates in junior high school and met again while working part-time during their student days.

"We have a lot of time to talk and take photos with our guests."

After attending their own wedding, the couple said, "It's good to have that kind of time."

With that in mind, we decided to spend the day with our guests with great care.

We introduce the wedding of a couple who celebrated with a new life in their womb.

-Bride's outfit-


A dress with a clean and simple silhouette, but with a back-conscious look

The material is crepe and has a slightly sticky texture.

This dress has the feel of a wedding dress for a wedding ceremony, but also gives off a homey vibe.

For the wedding ceremony, she coordinated her look with simple, flowing pearl earrings.

From the reception onwards, she wore large black and silver colored accessories.

Although it was the same dress, she wore it with a different impression.

-First meet-

The first meet was on the terrace deck on the 3rd floor of THE KAWABUN NAGOYA.

The open terrace overlooking the garden is a special space

During their first meeting, the bride read a surprise letter to the groom.

The groom was surprised but listened to the letter intently, and his expression was impressive.

"I'm glad that the place where I first met Kawabun felt so special.

I never expected the surprise letter from the bride, so it made all the difference."

The bride laughs with a little embarrassment, saying, "I wanted to make you cry."

The space for the two of them was so wonderful.

ーFamily meetー

Before the wedding ceremony, the parents of both families will meet the couple for the first time.

We also held a family meet.

"It was very embarrassing, but I was able to take photos with both families and see my parents' tearful faces.

It was good to have family meet time.”

-Wedding ceremony-

The couple chose the Dozen Flower Ceremony

The ceremony was held using colorful flowers, as per the bride's request.

The couple will send a message to their guests using the 12 flower meanings to convey their feelings.

The last flower meaning to send to grandmother is "peace of mind"

"Even after I left home, you told me, 'You can come back anytime.'

I felt a sense of security knowing that I had a place to belong.

From now on, we will build a warm home where the two of us can return to with peace of mind."

We tied the flowers handed to us by our important guests into a bouquet.

A thoughtful gift from the groom to the bride

-Tree planting ceremony-

A tree planting ceremony that she had expressed a desire to do from the very first meeting.

They both love greenery and said it would be nice to be able to take it home with them after the wedding.

Olive trees are said to bring happiness

It is still displayed with great care in the living room of their home.

A wedding ceremony filled with the couple's thoughts and feelings, with guests participating

As they left the stage, the couple was greeted with cheers of congratulations and applause.

A precious olive tree completed together with the guests

After the wedding ceremony, we also displayed them in front of the reception hall.

-Party start-

The party started with a welcome speech from the couple.

The main seating on the high chairs brings the couple and guests closer together.

We were able to show off the beautiful costumes, all the way down to the feet.

-Wedding cake-

The groom talked about this during the meeting

"A participatory format that everyone can enjoy"

"It's not just about watching, it's about getting everyone excited."

In order to make this dream come true, we will nominate you for the Thank You Baito by lottery.

Spend some quality time with your guests on the terrace deck surrounded by greenery

It was a homely time filled with smiles.

ーFlower coordinationー

The venue decorations were filled with the couple's personal preferences

The main flower color is chic, but the clear stand gives it a light feel.

We received a request to add unique flowers.

Coordinate the area around the high chair with carnivorous plants as focal points

The guest tables are decorated with moss-covered flowers.

By placing rocks at key points, we were able to recreate a natural shape.

-Changing dress-


Like the first dress, this brand is created by two male designers from Israel.

They are also active as apparel designers, and the wedding dresses they design are

It is constructed with three-dimensional silhouettes and decorations, making it highly fashionable.

Achieve a luxurious bridal style

The floral motif is wisteria

The flower language of wisteria is "kindness," "loyalty," and "never leaving."

The gentle slender curves of the wisteria flowers

This is a piece that combines clean simplicity with a playful feel.

-Marriage Certificate-

We received "The Secret to a Happy Marriage" and "Message of Blessing" from each person at the table round.

We displayed the messages we received as a marriage certificate.

The MC and wedding planner also gave a message to the couple.

"We received various messages from those who attended, such as tips for a happy marriage and congratulatory messages.

I looked at it again right after the ceremony and I still look at it now and then.

It's designed to be used as interior decoration, so I display it in my living room.

Every time I look back at it, I remember the faces of everyone who attended and the planners.

It makes me feel happy

It was one of the productions I'm glad to have been able to do, as it gave us a memorable message that was full of personality."

-Surprise Movie-

The couple was loved by all the guests.

The couple received a 10-minute surprise video.

The messages make me laugh and sometimes cry

A wonderful time filled with various emotions

Taking photos at the main table and talking at the table

The party was filled with lots of interaction between guests and a wonderful time.

It was a day that strengthened the bond between our two families.

-Letter from the bride-

Feelings of gratitude towards your family that are usually difficult to express

We deliver the feelings that can only be conveyed at a wedding.

-Petit Gift-

The tag was a cute photo of the two of them as children.

Retro-style handmade water bottles available as small gifts

It was handed to me at the time of departure.

- Thoughts after the party -

"When I found out I was pregnant, I quickly brought the date forward.

I even thought about what to do about the wedding itself.

By providing plenty of time for conversations with attendees and for taking photos,

We were close to each other and had a good time.

I was happy throughout the ceremony and the time just flew by.

I'm really glad we had the ceremony because I was able to express my gratitude to my family, relatives, and friends.

Even after it was over, I still look back and think, 'That was fun, wasn't it?' It's become a memory that will last a lifetime."

ーStaff creditー

Wedding planner: Aoi Tanaka

Photographer: Yasunosuke Yonezu (PHOTIC PEER)

Florist: Shibata Ene (plants collection)

Dress coordinator: Rei Ichikawa (THE TREAT DRESSING)